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Setting Up

1. Download the Shesha Starter Template:

  • To get started, click the Try Shesha button at the top of the page.
  • Customize the Namespace of the starter project by providing parameters. It is important to note that there should be no spacing in both the inputs. For example:
    • Company Name: Shesha
    • Project Name: Membership
  • The Namespace of the solution will start with Shesha.Membership.

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  • Unzip the folder generated to your preferred destination.
  • The zip file includes:
    • Adminportal (Frontend): A React.js solution for the front end
    • Backend: An ASP.NET Core solution for the backend
    • Database: A seeded SQL database with sample data

2. Setup the Database (SQL Server Management Studio) - From a .bacpac file:

  1. Open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
  2. Connect to a server i.e localhost
  3. Right-click Databases
  4. Select Import Data-tier Application... and then click Next
  5. Click Browse, locate your Membership.bacpac file, and click Next
  6. In the New database name field, type Membership and click Next
  7. Click Finish in the Summary step
  8. Verify the successful import by navigating to the generated database > Tables > dbo.Core_Persons and querying the top 1000 rows.

Get Shesha

3. Setup the Backend (Visual Studio):

  • Open the starter project folder
  • Navigate to the backend folder and open it
  • Double click the Shesha.Membership.sln solution (or your project name) with Visual Studio 2022
  • Connect the database to the backend and run the solution:
    1. If your database is not named 'Membership' in SQL, in Shesha.Membership.Web.Host update appsettings.json with your database connection string.
    2. Run your application by selecting Debug > Start Debugging or by clicking F5
    3. The application should open in your browser on the default Swagger API page.

Get Shesha

Get Shesha

4. Setup the Frontend (Visual Studio Code):

  • Open Microsoft Visual Studio Code
  • Navigate to File > Open Folder and open the adminportal folder from your downloaded starter project
  • Open a new terminal by going to Terminal > New Terminal
  • Check if you have Node.js version 20.11.1 installed by running node -v
  • Install node_modules by running npm i in the terminal
  • Run your frontend application by typing npm run dev in your terminal
  • To login to the admin portal, use the username admin and password 123qwe
  • Once logged in, you have your first Shesha application running successfully.
  • The home page should look like the following:

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