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The ability to capture notes arbritrarily against almost any entity is such a common requirement that the Shesha framework provides a generic Notes component and Note entity and API to store and manage captured notes.

Allowing notes to be captured on a form is as simple as adding the Notes component to the form. The Notes component will automatically display any notes that have been captured against the entity that the form is bound to.


More details on how to use and configure the Notes component can be found here.

The Note entity

Any notes captured are stored in the Note entity. The Note entity has the following properties:

OwnerTypestringThe type of the owner of the note.
OwnerIdstringThe ID of the owner of the note. The Owner will be some entity that the note is associated with. For example this may be an Organisation, Person or any other entity against which it may be useful to add a note.
CategoryRefList(NoteType)The category of the note. This is used to differentiate between different sets of notes that may be associated with the same owner.
PriorityRefList(NotePriority)Allows a note to be flagged as important.
ParentNoteThe parent note of the current note. This is useful when there is a need for 'threaded' notes or discussions.
NoteTextstringThe text content of the note.
AuthorPersonThe author of the note.
HasAttachmentboolIndicates whether the note has one ore more attachments associated with it.
VisibilityTypeRefList(VisibilityType)Specifies the visibility of the note e.g. Private, Public.
CreationTimeDateTimeThe date and time the note was created.
CreatorUserIdlong?Id of the user who created the note.
LastModificationTimeDateTime?The date and time the note was last modified.
LastModifierUserIdlong?Id of the user who last modified the note.

See Also