The term ParentFormValues indicates that these are the values collected from the form that is considered the parent or source of the dialog. In the context of a dialog, the parent form is the form that triggers or initiates the dialog's appearance. If we have a dialog rendering on top of a form, this is considered a parent-child
relationship. The base invoice-details
form acts as the parent
, and the rendered invoice-line-item-create
form is a child. Therefore, the current context of the application looks like this:
"itemName": "Training",
"itemDescription": "Training Staff to use application",
"quantity": 10
"cellNumber": null,
"telNumber": null,
"faxNumber": null,
"invoicingPeriodStartDate": null,
"invoicingPeriodEndDate": null,
"invoiceDate": "2023-11-23T12:00:00",
"invoiceTitle": null,
"invoiceDescription": "Membership Management Support and Maintenance ",
"dueDate": null,
"invoiceNo": "Shes_6338204133",
"paymentMethod": null,
"paymentTerms": null,
"vatNumber": null,
"status": 1,
"totalExclTax": null,
"taxAmount": null,
"totalInclTax": null,
"invoiceType": null,
"cancelledReason": null,
"invoiceSendStatus": null,
"contactPerson": null,
"issuedBy": null,
"issuedTo": null,
"issuedToPerson": null,
"contract": null,
"account": {
"_displayName": "Shesha Account",
"_className": "Shesha.Domain.Account",
"id": "953226e3-f3d4-4872-b917-d6c1e4a973c0"
"invoiceDoc": null,
"extSysId": null,
"extSysSource": null,
"extSysSyncStatus": null,
"extSysFirstSyncDate": null,
"extSysLastSyncDate": null,
"extSysSyncError": null,
"isDeleted": false,
"deleterUserId": null,
"deletionTime": null,
"lastModificationTime": null,
"lastModifierUserId": null,
"creationTime": "2023-11-23T15:06:53.753",
"creatorUserId": 1,
"id": "f9911666-3a1e-4f08-922a-2118367bbe9d"