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This function is used to update the form data as part of executing a script.

This function signature is a TypeScript arrow function that takes a single parameter, which is an object with two properties: values and mergeValues. Here's an explanation of each part:

  • Function Parameters: { values: object, mergeValues: boolean }: This specifies an object parameter with two properties. values: It expects an object (values: object), indicating that you should pass an object as the values property. mergeValues: It expects a boolean (mergeValues: boolean), indicating that you should pass a boolean as the mergeValues property.

  • Arrow Function Return Type: => void: This part indicates that the function returns void, meaning it does not return any value.

Putting it all together, the SetFormData function is expected to be called with an object parameter having two properties:

  • values: An object containing data that needs to be set as form data.
  • mergeValues: A boolean flag indicating whether to merge the new values with existing form data or replace them entirely.

Setting a single value

values: {
emailAddress: "",
mergeValues: true,

Setting multiple values

values: {
emailAddress: "",
name: "Shesha",
mergeValues: true,

Setting nested values

values: {
organisation: {
emailAddress: "",
name: "Shesha",
mergeValues: true,

See Also