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Common Properties & Events

This section describes the properties which are common to all form components.


Component Name

Name of the component. This should be unqiue within the form, contain only alphanumeric characters and underscores and should not contain any spaces. This name is used to access the component programmatically through its parent form's context property.

Property Name

Specifies the name of the property on the form's Data or Context object the form component will be bound to.


Speficies where the form copmonent's value will be bound to. By default the form component will be bound to and update the Form data if left empty. Otherwise it will be bound to the selected App Context.


The label to display next to the form component. This will be displayed unless the Hide Label property is set to true.

Label Align

Positioning of label relative to the component. Options: 'Left', 'Right', 'Top'

Hide Label

Controls the visibility of the component label. If turned off, the component label is not visible in View mode.


Controls the visibility of the component.

  • return true if you want to hide the component
  • return false if you want to show the component

return data.gender != 2 - This shows the component if the gender is 2


Additional description for the component, more for internal configurator/developer use.

Edit Mode


  • Inherited - Takes the edit mode of the parent form that the component belongs to.
  • Editable - Enables the user to edit the component's value or perform operations on the component.
  • Read Only - The component serves as a form of data display, and the user cannot edit the component's value or the component functionality will be disabled (greyed out).

Hide Border

Removes the border from the styling of the component.


Additional information to display to the user as a tooltip.


Placeholder text to display to the user when no value is specified.

Default Value

Specifies the default value of the component.



If checked, prohibits form submission if the component does not have a value (mandatory). Indicated by a red asterisk mark next to the component.



Allows configurators to specify custom CSS styling through code. May be used when standard styling properties are insufficient to achieve the required look and feel.


return {
backgroundColor: "white",
fontSize: "10px",


The size of the component. Options: 'Small', 'Middle', 'Large'


Allows the configurator to specify the width of the label and content (i.e. input) portions of the form component. If not provided, the default settings specified at the form level will apply.

  • Label Col : The with of the label portion of the component (Should be a value between 0 and 24).
  • Wrapper Col : The with of the content or input portion of the component (Should be a value between 0 and 24).
24 Columns Grid System

Shesha uses Ant Design's 24 columns' grid system. The values of the Label Col and Wrapper Col properties should therefore total up to 24.


The padding property is used to define the space between the content of an element and its border. It is essentially the inner spacing within an element.


The margin property, on the other hand, is used to define the space outside an element's border. It controls the spacing between elements, affecting their layout in relation to one another.


Specifies the permissions required to access the component. The component will be hidden from any user that does not have any of the specified permissions.

Example: 'user:Roles'


Event handlers are functions that get triggered on on specific envents in a component lifecycle.

All form components have a set of event handlers that can be used to respond to specific triggers as the user interacts with the application. These include the following:


Triggered on change of the component's value such as on input changes or change of selection in the case of selected based components such as radio buttons, check boxes or drop down list.


Triggered on the component receives the focus.


Triggered when a previously selected component loses focus.


An event which is triggered every time an address is selected.

These events contain a standard list of variables that give the user access to certain variables and functions facilitating the need to respond to various scenarios. Namely:

  • formData
  • event callback when an input is made
  • current mode of the form (readonly, designer, edit)
  • A function used to setFormData
  • moment function for DateTime operations
  • ParentFormValues
  • initialValues
  • toast message functionality
  • form instance
  • axios instance used to make http requests