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The DataList component should be placed inside the DatatableContext component. This component is intended to get a list of data (similar to using it with the Datatable component). It shows data from the DatatableContext as a list of sub-forms. Note that other DatatableContext-specific components (Pager, Quick Search, Table view selector) can also affect the DataList, similar to the Datatable.

On Double Click

This is triggered when there is a type of user interaction that occurs when a user rapidly clicks a mouse button twice in quick succession. It includes a list of ‘Action Configurations’ as discussed previously. In cases where the user is trying to perform an action on a specific row, the content of the currently selected row will be saved in the ‘selectedRow’ object and can be accessed like this (Action Configuration - Navigate).
E.g. /dynamic/Boxfusion.SheshaFunctionalTests.Common/test-details-view?id={{}}.

Selection Mode

Allows choosing a mode of selecting list items.

  • None: Select item disabled.
  • Single: Allows selecting only one item from the list. This value is saved in the Datatable Contexts ‘selectedRow’ property.
  • Multiple: Allows selecting multiple items from the list. This value is saved in the Datatable Contexts ‘selectedIds’ property as an array.

Form Selection

  • Named Form: User selects a specific form to drill down into.
  • View Type: User selects the form type. These forms are specified in the ‘Entity Configurations’ view, which provides a centralized repository of the different types of views and which form should be rendered based on the scenario. This takes the entity specified on the datatable context component.

Form Identifier Expression

This provides a JavaScript Code Editor that allows the user to enter code to get the form identifier. You must return {name: string; module: string; version: number} object.


The layout of the list. Options: Vertical, Horizontal.