📄️ DEPRACATED - Child Table
A child table component is a feature within a table or data display structure that allows the representation of related data in a hierarchical or nested format. It's often used in scenarios where one set of data is directly associated with or linked to another set, creating a parent-child relationship.
📄️ DataList
The DataList component should be placed inside the DatatableContext component. This component is intended to get a list of data (similar to using it with the Datatable component). It shows data from the DatatableContext as a list of sub-forms. Note that other DatatableContext-specific components (Pager, Quick Search, Table view selector) can also affect the DataList, similar to the Datatable.
📄️ DataTable Context
A datatable context component is a powerful tool that allows users to manage and manipulate tabular data within an application. It's often used in scenarios where you need to display, organize, and interact with data in a structured, table-like format. Below are the key functionalities:
📄️ DataTable
A Datatable component is a versatile tool used to manage and configure the columns in a table, often within the context of a low-code or no-code platform. This component allows users to define, organize, and manipulate the structure and appearance of columns in a table-based display.
📄️ Quick Search
**NOTE** This component should be used within a Datatable Context Component.
📄️ Refresh Table / Toggle Advanced Filter / Toggle Columns Selector
**NOTE** These components should be used within a Datatable Context Component.
📄️ Table Pager
**NOTE** This component should be used within a Datatable Context Component.
📄️ Table View Selector
**NOTE** This component should be used within a Datatable Context Component.