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Form Events

Event handlers are functions or methods that are designed to respond to specific events or triggers within a software application. These events can be user interactions, system events, or changes in the application state. Event handlers play a crucial role in controlling the flow of an application and responding to various scenarios. Let's explore the benefits of event handlers in the context of: onInitialized, PreparedValues, OnUpdate, and OnDataLoaded.

These events contain a standard list of variables that give the user access to certain variables and functions facilitating the need to respond to various scenarios. Namely:

  • form data
  • moment function for DateTime operations
  • ParentFormValues
  • InitialValues
  • toast message functionality
  • form instance
  • axios instance used to make http requests
  • A function used to setFormData

On Initialized

Initializes tasks and conditions when a component or feature is initialized.

Prepared Values

Allows customization or modification of form values before submission.

On Data Loaded

Handles asynchronous data loading processes.

On Update

Responds to changes in the state of a component or application.